Flesh of tongue of additional exterior examine has without atrophy, if glossal face is uneven, for glossal amyotrophy. 另外观察舌肌有无萎缩,如舌面凹凸不平,为舌肌萎缩。
At the same time, the companies face tremendous challenges from exterior and interior, they also face the stress by the economy globalization. 同时,企业也面临着来自内外部的巨大挑战,面临着经济全球化所带来的竞争压力。
Temperature Sensors were introduced on the exterior face of the flange plate to measure the temperature of the radiated area so as to make necessary adjustments timely of current, volt, focus, etc. 为防止因此导致扫描盒前端法兰盘局部温升过高,在法兰的外侧安装温度传感器以实时监测受照点的温度,从而及时调整系统的电流、电压、聚焦等有关参数。
Based on the leakage problem of exterior wall, the paper presents the principle of "negative pressure and cavity" by analyzing the construction technology of face brick wall. 针对饰面砖外墙渗漏现象,通过对饰面砖施工工艺分析,提出了空腔负压原理。
For the exterior market environment that business enterprise face continuous change and the rival all the time of threat, the improvement of the marketing channel has become the important strategy lesson that Chinese business enterprise face in stage of new market in 21 centuries development. 由于企业面临的外部市场环境不断变化和竞争对手无时无刻的威胁,分销渠道的改进已成为21世纪新的市场发展阶段中,中国企业面临的重大战略课题。
After our country join the WTO, the financial industry opens outward completely, financial movement of inside the exterior environment took place huge variety, the finance audit also face many new circumstance, new problem. 我国加入WTO后,金融业全面对外开放,金融运行的内外部环境发生了巨大变化,金融审计也面临着许多新情况、新问题。
Quality Control of EPS Exterior thermal Insulation Complex Wall with Ceramic Tile Face 瓷砖饰面EPS外保温复合墙体的质量控制
Because of uncertainty of exterior environment and limitation of small and medium enterprises, the small and medium enterprises face the huge financial risk. 由于外部客观环境的不确定性以及中小企业自身的局限性,使得中小企业经营面临着巨大的财务风险。